
Understanding Final vs. Interim Transcripts

Real time transcription provides two different “qualities” of text which work together to provide the final text: interim and final transcripts.

Interim Transcriptions

Interim transcripts are created rapidly, as the engine uses syllables, words, and small phrases to determine what was said. This allows transcripts to appear word-by-word as a speaker is speaking. However, this method is less accurate than the method used for final transcripts.

In Trucaption, interim transcripts are displayed at the bottom of the transcript and cannot be edited. Interim transcripts are replaced with final transcripts as the final version becomes available.

Final Transcriptions

Final transcripts are created when a speaker pauses. During final transcription, the engine uses the full phrases/sentences to generate a more accurate transcription than interim transcripts. Final transcripts alone are not generally suitable for real-time transcription since a significant delay occurs between when words are spoken and when the text becomes available.

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